Thursday, April 25, 2013

Movies Much ?

Are you planning for a movie on the weekend?
Having other people opinions about a movie is what most people do before going to one. How about a YouTube channel with an enthusiastic host (Jeremy Jahns)reviewing latest movies in theaters. He knows how to explain movies and focus on the strongest and weakest point of each movie he explains.
Jahns would review both movies and coming up movies by reviewing its trailer and even video games. Sometimes he rate the movie he is reviewing but there will be always some drop scenes from whatever movie he is reviewing. So if you hate movies spoilers then you won't like this channel.
Man of Steel trailer was reviewed in one of his videos. Obviously Jahns thinks that the trailer was amazing, yet he finds critical moments to be discussed.
 Sometimes he starts with a warning about a coming up movie spoiler in his video; example: The Dark Knight movie review.

Clear Islamic Sunni Perspective

Do you live in the middle east and you are not understanding some of the rules followed in this area; specially Islamic rules?
This YouTube channel, owned by "Abdullah Al Saleh" is about explaining facts about Islam in the Sunni perspective (There is Shia also). The middle-eastern country ruled by Shia is Iran, while all other middle-eastern countries are Sunnis; so watching this YouTube Channel will help you if you are in any middle-eastern country other than Iran.
In one of Al Saleh videos he explains what are the rules that should be followed in case Muslims got invited to eat food that is made by Jews or Christians. He does not explains the Muslim way of slaughtering but he just explain how a Muslim will deal with such situation. Another more common issue was discussed in his video which was about the case of having a meal at a Jew's or Christian's restaurants. He tend to support his perspective by having some evidences from The Holy Quran (In Arabic and translated to English).
Check out some other videos In Al Saleh channel, that explains other Islamic rules followed by Sunni Muslims. Currently he has stopped uploading English videos and started uploading short Arabic videos similar to Keek's videos.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Add Some Vsauce to Feed Your Brain!

Different thoughts, ideas, and questions that comes across the human mind are discussed and sometimes answered in Vsauce (Our World is Amazing) with Michael.

Questions that most people do not bother research for or answer; for example, why do we wear clothes?, why do we have two nostrils?, or are we ticklish and why do we laugh?.
Sometimes Vsauce post a video about rarely asked questions or what could be considered as unusual; examples, why don't we taxidermy humans?, should you eat yourself?, or even how much does a shadow weigh?.
All that and more surprising facts about what we have in this universe are discussed in Vsauce. Michael has his own why to make the viewer interested in what is the video about by connecting it to our daily lives; and once you get the questions in our heads, he start answering them with facts and information he have found after searching about the questions in depth.

Add more space to your brain's memory by answering some of lifetime stuck questions. And once you are there; Vsauce will provide you with "Other AWESOME Channels" recommended as the other parts of "The Vsauce Community".

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

RWJ (A YouTube Must) !!

I could not start a YouTube videos' blog without mentioning Ray William Johnson (RJW) with his channel called "=3".
Ray started his channel by recording himself reviewing YouTube's videos at home. His videos were not in its best quality back then. Currently he is that famous to the point that he has his own studio to record his videos.
Each video by Ray contains three of YouTube's viral videos to be reviewed by him. He used to let his viewers send him the links of the latest viral videos; but now he has his own work team to do that for him.

Becoming famous, Ray started working as a comedian in standup comedy shows; and there is always a replacement for him during his trips away from the studio's location.
"When Ray is away call the Mexican"; is what Gabriel Iglesias, as the main Ray replacement, said during his video on "=3".
Some people say he is not good anymore with the fansy videos; Why don't you check them out yourself !!

Monday, April 22, 2013

Starting slowly with "THE SLOWMO GUYS" !!

Ever wonder what some activities look in slow motion ?

Here is the "THE SLOWMO GUYS"; a YouTube Channel that entertains its viewers with the high speed camera results of capturing explosions, face punching and other actions.

"The SLOWMO GUYS" are Gav and Dan; somehow Dan mostly ends up being the guinea pig for the channel's unusual experiments. and Gav captures the exciting parts of the experiment and sometimes participate in some of them. The Camera used in their videos can capture in a speed up to 18,000 frame per second; which could show the details of a soap bubble exploding.

Every time they come up with a new idea; for example, blowing paints and shooting themselves with Paintball guns. Sometimes they create a challenge for to be practiced by both of them and they capture their own body and facial reactions doing those challenges.

Go ahead and check out their YouTube Channel to find more of the interesting "THE SLOWMO GUYS" slow motion videos.