Thursday, April 25, 2013

Clear Islamic Sunni Perspective

Do you live in the middle east and you are not understanding some of the rules followed in this area; specially Islamic rules?
This YouTube channel, owned by "Abdullah Al Saleh" is about explaining facts about Islam in the Sunni perspective (There is Shia also). The middle-eastern country ruled by Shia is Iran, while all other middle-eastern countries are Sunnis; so watching this YouTube Channel will help you if you are in any middle-eastern country other than Iran.
In one of Al Saleh videos he explains what are the rules that should be followed in case Muslims got invited to eat food that is made by Jews or Christians. He does not explains the Muslim way of slaughtering but he just explain how a Muslim will deal with such situation. Another more common issue was discussed in his video which was about the case of having a meal at a Jew's or Christian's restaurants. He tend to support his perspective by having some evidences from The Holy Quran (In Arabic and translated to English).
Check out some other videos In Al Saleh channel, that explains other Islamic rules followed by Sunni Muslims. Currently he has stopped uploading English videos and started uploading short Arabic videos similar to Keek's videos.

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