Monday, April 22, 2013

Starting slowly with "THE SLOWMO GUYS" !!

Ever wonder what some activities look in slow motion ?

Here is the "THE SLOWMO GUYS"; a YouTube Channel that entertains its viewers with the high speed camera results of capturing explosions, face punching and other actions.

"The SLOWMO GUYS" are Gav and Dan; somehow Dan mostly ends up being the guinea pig for the channel's unusual experiments. and Gav captures the exciting parts of the experiment and sometimes participate in some of them. The Camera used in their videos can capture in a speed up to 18,000 frame per second; which could show the details of a soap bubble exploding.

Every time they come up with a new idea; for example, blowing paints and shooting themselves with Paintball guns. Sometimes they create a challenge for to be practiced by both of them and they capture their own body and facial reactions doing those challenges.

Go ahead and check out their YouTube Channel to find more of the interesting "THE SLOWMO GUYS" slow motion videos.

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